Why AttendBack to Top

As in previous years (2016, 2017, 2018), CytoData brings together the community of researchers mining microscopy image data.

We recently formed the CytoData Society (CytoDS) to build and maintain an active community around image-based profiling of biological phenotypes induced by genetic, chemical or other perturbations of biological systems. CytoData 2019 will be a great venue to connect with this community, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in the field.

Genetic interaction network

Attendees will join together for a one-day symposium with seminars, lectures and social events followed by a two-day hackathon. We aspire to gather a diverse and engaged group of both image-based profiling experts, and members of related fields. Everyone involved will be an active contributor (even if remote), no passive absorption of others’ ideas allowed! We assume participants will be willing to share their analysis strategies, given that each laboratory’s “competitive advantage” in this field does not come from their data pre-processing pipeline but rather from computational techniques downstream of the steps covered in the event, and from biological discoveries derived from their unique data.

Sun Oct 27 Educational session (optional)
Learn about the latest tools and methods in single cell and image based profiling.

Mon Oct 28 Full day Symposium
Hear from leading researchers in the field from academia and industry.

Tue Oct 29 CytoData Hackathon - Day 1
Get oriented, and starting working on the first stage of the challenge.

Wed Oct 30 CytoData Hackathon - Day 2
Refine models during the second stage of the challenge, then evaluate on held out set.
Winners will be announced based on the held out set.

Confirmed SpeakersBack to Top


Carsten Marr photo

Carsten Marr
Helmholtz Center Munich, Institute of Computational Biology, Munich, Germany

Session 1 - Deciphering Biology by Functional Genomics and Microscopy-based Profiling

Michael Boutros
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Julius Hossain
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany

Rainer Pepperkok
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany

Sophie Rabe
University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

Session 2 - Emerging imaging technologies and analyses to empower personalized medicine approaches

Anna Kreshuk
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany

Luca Rappez
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany

Sina Oppermann
KiTZ co-Clinical Trial Unit, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Session 3 - From association to function: Identification and validation of drug targets in single cells

Oliver Stegle
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany and European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

Sponsoring OpportunitiesBack to Top


Recursion Pharmaceuticals




SFB WNT 1324



We are offering further sponsorship opportunities for this event. See list of sponsors of previous events at CytoData 2016, CytoData 2017, CytoData 2018. Please contact Florian Heigwer (f.heigwer[at]dkfz.de) if you are interested in sponsoring.

OrganizersBack to Top

Conference Committee

Chair: Florian Heigwer
Co-Chair: Christian Scheeder

CytoData SocietyBack to Top

The CytoData Society (CytoDS) is an international society that builds and maintains an active community around image-based profiling of biological phenotypes induced by genetic, chemical or other perturbations of biological systems. This field is still in its infancy, and its adoption has been slow, primarily due to the data analysis challenges posed, the large imaging experiments required, and the lack of ground-truth data sets where relationships among images are known. Our goal is therefore to bring image-based profiling into the mainstream by organizing the community working on this technology.

CytoData Society Board

Past president: Anne Carpenter Shantanu Singh
President: Florian Heigwer
Vice President: Lassi Paavolainen
Event officer: Tim Becker
Communications officer: Alex Vasilevich
Industry liaison: Alex Vasilevich
Operations officer: Theresa Gebert
Education/ outreach officer: Juan Caicedo
Society liaison: Oren Kraus
Resource officer: Gregory Way

Conference locationBack to Top

Boutros Lab

The Boutros Lab / Division of signaling and functional genomics is based at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany. We use genetic and genomic methods to link genotypes to phenotypes, and cell biological approaches to study specific processes and probe underlying mechanisms.